Stronghold Kingdoms Wiki
Unitbox monkUnit monk
Unit Type
Monk Status Changer
Rank Required
Rank08Freeman (8)
Research Required
• Level 3 - Arts
• Level 5 - Theology
• Level 1 - Ordination
Gold Cost
Icon gold150 each (decreasing with greater purchase numbers)
Resources Needed
Icon peasant1 peasant per unit
Unit Space
People unitspace icon 01 25

Monks have a variety of rôles which they can perform in the world, and are created on the units screen of a village. Before any monks may be created, players must research Theology to level 5 and then Ordination, found in the Education tab of the research tree. Monks' speed may be increased by researching Pilgrimage.

TIP: Monks will not survive their journeys, so ensure you use them carefully.

Using Monks[ | ]

Faith Monks require faith points, which are explained here.

Illustration monks

Changing Votes[ | ]

Influence is a monk's basic power, and is available when first researching Ordination. It allows the player to send monks to a Parish of their choosing to either increase or decrease the stewardship votes of players within that parish.

TIP: Influence can be a useful tool to help Factions or Houses to expand their territory.

To influence the voting, click on a parish and select the player whose votes you wish to influence. Click on the + symbol to increase votes, or the - symbol to decrease them. Each monk will give or take one (1) vote from the chosen player. The number of faith points required to send a monk is shown in the bottom right corner of the influence window.

Each vote costs 30 faith points.

TIP: Monks may not be recalled, so use them wisely!

Curing Disease[ | ]

Restoration may only be performed on parish capitals, and allows monks to remove disease from the capital. For every monk sent, the amount of disease in the capital is reduced by three (3) points. Before this action can be performed, players must research Baptism. Further research increases the amount of disease removed by each monk.

Each monk sent on Restoration costs 20 faith points.

Decreasing Popularity[ | ]

Inquisition may only be performed on parish capitals. It allows monks to decrease the popularity for all the villages in that parish. For every monk sent, the popularity in a village will decrease by one (1) to a maximum of one hundred (100). Before this action can be performed, players must research Confirmation. Further research allows the effect to last longer.

Each monk sent on an Inquisition costs 10 Faith points.

Increasing Popularity[ | ]

Marriage or Blessing may only be performed on parish capitals. It allows monks to increase the popularity for all the villages in that parish. For every monk sent, the popularity in a village will increase by one (1) to a maximum of one hundred (100). Before this action can be performed, players must research Marriage. Further research allows the effect to last longer.

Each monk sent on a blessing costs 10 Faith points.

Preventing Attacks[ | ]

Interdiction allows a monk to protect a village or capital from attacks by other players. Each interdict lasts for four (4) hours. Before this action can be performed, players must research Eucharist. Researching the first level will allow the player to interdict themselves regardless of their own rank. A monk may interdict the village from which he is recruited. Further research allows the protection of higher-level players.

The faith point cost of Interdiction increases with the rank of the player interdicted.

TIP:' While interdiction stops attacks being launched against a village or capital, it will NOT prevent attacks which have already been launched.

Removing Religious Powers[ | ]

Excommunication allows monks to remove the ability to use church powers from a target village, and can only be performed on player villages. While a village is excommunicated, no monks can be sent from the village. Before this action can be performed, players must research Extreme Unction. Further research increases the time of excommunication, per monk. Excommunication does NOT decrease the length of time a village is interdicted for, nor does it prevent monks from another village from interdicting the excommunicated village.

Each monk sent to excommunicate a player costs 200 faith points.

Absolution reduces the length of excommunication. Before this action can be performed, players must research Confession. Further research decreases the time of excommunication, per monk.

Each monk sent to absolve a player costs 60 faith points.

Costs Table[ | ]

Number of monks to be purchased Cost in Gold
1 Icon gold 150
2 Icon gold 120
3 Icon gold 100
4 Icon gold 85
5 Icon gold 70
6 Icon gold 60
7 Icon gold 50
8 Icon gold 40

Cards[ | ]

Card Name Description
Healing Increases the amount of healing which monks can perform on a parish.
Envoy This card enables the next monk, or batch of monks, to move faster across the map.
Politics Increases the number of votes each monk influences in an election.